မ-၁၀၀၁ | ပင္ရင္းျမန္မာစာ | မ-၁၀၀၂ | ပင္ရင္းျမန္မာစာ | |
Eng-1001 | English | Eng-1002 | English | |
Bot-1101 | Plant Biology | Bot-1102 | Basic Concepts of Applied Botany | |
AM-1001 | Aspects of Myanmar | AM-1002 | Aspects of Myanmar | |
Zool-1001 | Zoology | Zool-1002 | Zoology | |
Chem-1001 | Chemistry | Chem-1002 | Chemistry |
Mandalar Degree College
Subject Curriculum
Eng. 2001 | English | Eng. 2002 | English | |
Bot. 2101 | Survey of Plant Kingdom I | Bot. 2106 | Survey of Plant Kingdom II | |
Bot. 2102 | Angiosperms I | Bot. 2107 | Angiosperms II | |
Bot. 2103 | Genetics I | Bot. 2108 | Genetics II | |
Bot. 2104 | Plant Ecology | Bot. 2109 | Horticulture | |
Zool. 2001 | Zoology | Zool. 2002 | Zoology |
Eng. 3001 | English | Eng-3002 | English | |
Bot. 3101 | Medicinal Plants | Bot-3107 | Cell Biology | |
Bot. 3102 | Plant Cytology and Anatomy | Bot-3108 | Bot-3108 | |
Bot. 3103 | Plant Physiology I | Bot-3109 | Plant Physiology II | |
Bot. 3104 | Environmental Biology | Bot-3110 | Biodiversity and Conservation | |
Bot. 3105 | Floristics and Herbarium Techniques | Bot-3111 | Plant Tissue Culture |
Eng. 4001 | English | Eng. 4002 | English | |
Bot. 4101 | Plant Systematics | Bot. 4107 | Applied Ecology | |
Bot. 4102 | Pharmacognosy | Bot. 4108 | Plant Biotechnology | |
Bot. 4103 | Microbiology | Bot. 4109 | Applied Microbiology | |
Bot. 4104 | Biochemistry | Bot. 4110 | Biostatistics | |
Bot. 4105 | Research Methodology | Bot. 4111 | Molecular Biology |
Eng. 3001 | English | Eng-3002 | English | |
Bot. 3201 | Medicinal Plants | Bot-3207 | Cell Biology | |
Bot. 3202 | Plant Cytology and Anatomy | Bot-3208 | Cytogenetics | |
Bot. 3203 | Plant Physiology I | Bot-3209 | Plant Physiology II | |
Bot. 3204 | Environmental Biology | Bot-3210 | Biodiversity and Conservation | |
Bot. 3205 | Floristics and Herbarium Techniques | Bot-3211 | Plant Tissue Culture |
Eng – 4001/4002 | English |
Chem – 4201/4207 | Inorganic Chemistry |
Chem-4202/4208 | Physical Chemistry |
Chem-4203/4209 | Organic Chemistry |
Chem-4204/4210 | Analytical Chemistry |
Chem-4205/4211 | Research Methodology & Introduction to Nano chemistry |